Bitcoin Price Slightly Recovers as

The crypto markets continued to build on April's gains this week, with alternative cryptocurrencies like nano, VeChain and bytecoin leading the way. The Enterprise Blockchain Gap A number of large corporations, including Microsoft, IBM, Oracle, and SAP, have started to take notice of, and invest in, blockchain technology. Enterprise customers are interested in the blockchain because it can help reduce fraud, increase transparency, and provide secure record keeping.
Blockchain technology has started showing up in such diverse fields as cybersecurity, insurance, and supply chain management. Less technically savvy corporations are starting to dip their toes in the water, but there's a huge gap between the desire to invest in blockahin technology and developers with the skills to implement it.
Comments (2)
Jonhy Rick
Like paper money and gold before it, bitcoin and ether allow parties to exchange value. Unlike their predeces sors, they are digital and
Jonhy Rick
Like paper money and gold before it, bitcoin and ether allow parties to exchange value. Unlike their predeces sors, they are digital and
Jonhy Rick
Like paper money and gold before it, bitcoin and ether allow parties to exchange value. Unlike their predeces sors, they are digital and
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